The WB8VSU UHF repeater is located in Miamisburg, Ohio close to
the intersection of I-75 and State Route 725. This high
profile UHF machine is on 442.300MHz, plus offset and requires a
tone of 123.0 Hz. This machine also generates a CTCSS of 123.0
Hz, which is helpful when operating in congested areas. With
it's strategic location, you are able to work this repeater from
Cincinnati to Sidney when driving I-75 and from Springfield to
inside Indiana when traveling I-70.
This repeater has an open IRLP Node that is accessed by just
entering the node you want to dial and disconnected by entering
73. Of course, proper operating procedure should be followed
by identifying before entering the node to be dialed and also after
closing the node.
The repeater is open to all users and we welcome anyone wishing
to use the repeater.